Rancho Encino

Rancho Encino is a large wholesale tree farm developed specifically to serve landscape architects, contractors, re-wholesalers and retailers. The farm specializes in native Texas Live Oaks. Our tree inventory, which is entirely container grown, is among the finest in the southeastern United States. We provide prompt service and on-time deliveries. Our courteous staff is sure to meet your expectations. Rancho Encino Tree Farm is located just off State Highway 35 in Bay City. We encourage you to visit our farm and inspect our modern facility and top-quality trees. --- Sincerely, Abelino Medina (Grower)

Address:     993 CR 207 Bay City, TX 77414
Email:    sales@ranchoencino.com
Contact:   Mark Rainey
Phone:    979.245.8992   FAX:  979.245.5171


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