Texas A&M - Agriculture & Life Sciences
Department of Soil and Crop Sciences
The Soil and Crop Sciences Department is one of the largest such departments in the nation and is preeminent throughout the world. Our world-famous faculty has a presence in every county in Texas. Working in partnership with Texas A&M AgriLife Research and the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, their goal is to conduct research through trials and experimentation and then transfer that new knowledge to the public.
We offer Bachelor of Science degrees in Plant and Environmental Soil Science and Turfgrass Science. Students can earn a Master of Science and a doctorate in agronomy, Food Science and Technology, Genetics, Molecular and Environmental Plant Sciences, Plant Breeding, and Soil Science. Most of our undergraduates are from Texas, but students represent some 20 different countries in addition to the United States.
Our Mission:
The mission of the Soil & Crop Sciences department is to promote the wise use, management, and stewardship of soil, plant, and water resources by preparing students for careers in soil, plant, and environmentally related disciplines; discovering new scientific knowledge and developing associated technologies to sustain environmentally sound and economically profitable production systems; and ensuring the efficient extension of technological developments to user clientele and society in general.

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